Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently inaugurated the Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025, India's largest mobility expo. This event, held from January 17 to January 22, 2025, spans three venues: Bharat Mandapam and Yashobhoomi in New Delhi, and India Expo Center and Mart in Greater Noida.
The expo brings together the entire mobility value chain, including automobile manufacturers, component makers, electronics producers, tyre manufacturers, energy storage companies, automotive software developers, and material recyclers. Modi highlighted the "Seven Cs for mobility solutions" vision: Common, Connected, Convenient, Congestion-free, Charged, Clean, and Cutting-edge.
The event also features over 100 new launches across automobiles, components, products, and technologies. Modi emphasized India's position as the world's third-largest passenger vehicle market and fifth-largest economy, projecting unparalleled growth as India rises to the top three global economies.